Staying connected to heal the distance

December 10, 2020

It hasn’t been easy for everyone to sit at home in isolation, especially when we’re so used to meeting everyone at school and at work, and spending time with friends and family. 2020 has helped us appreciate moments spent together with loved ones, and how it is important to continue our efforts to stay connected with one another.

In 2020, we missed being around our friends & family

"I miss physically interacting with my friends. Because even when we were back at school, we couldn’t run out to hug each other, or be too close. or play contact sports." - Agnes, Student

"I actually experienced this because I was like alone and was separated from my family members during the first lockdown. I really needed to have video calls with my parents, my siblings, my loved ones, and also my students.” - Cikgu Yasmin, Teacher

"I think it was very sad. Of course, I think it's more for my children. Like my kids were very sad that they couldn't see their grandparents or their friends. I could see how my daughter was really upset sometimes and she would often ask when can I go and see grandma." - Cheryl Fernando, Director of Pemimpin GSL

We realised how important connection was for our well-being

"It made us realise how much and how important is it to stay connected with our family and friends, and just building that relationship with each other. As humans, we thrive on building relationships with each other and maintaining that relationship. Especially for children growing up, to just know that family and friends are there for them. So it's super important that we stay connected to each other." - Cheryl Fernando, Director of Pemimpin GSL

"I was alone, literally alone for two months, but I have never felt deprived of people around me. I always have someone who calls in the morning, afternoon and at also at night. And I also call them back so it's a vice versa thing. It is very important to stay connected, because you cannot deny the fact that you cannot live alone, and it's just not good for your mental health." - Cikgu Yasmin, Teacher

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Leaps of Knowledge: The HEART Series
