Missed Leaps of Knowledge: Episode T? Don't worry! Now you too can organize a Watch Party with your friends and experience the event together.

Missed Leaps of Knowledge: Episode T? Don't worry! Now you too can organize a Watch Party with your friends and experience the event together.

Tools & Resources

To learn more about hosting a Watch Party download the guide & materials below.


Episode T: Watch Party

In Leaps of Knowledge: Episode T, we want to invite YOU to be a member of the society that can be adaptable to change and innovate new ways of shaping education with the future in mind. How would we design learning environments that help students thrive in tomorrow's world?

As adults, it's easy to get caught up with complexities and focus on how we want things to be based on our own opinions and experiences. However, when it comes to education we should start taking into account the most important stakeholder, our children. We are excited to hear fresh ideas and opinions from the children of today who will also be the leaders of tomorrow on what they think learning should look like to support them to thrive in tomorrow’s world!

Featuring insights from aspiring students, Bhagya, Danya, Faiz, Irina, Keisha, Khoo Zhen, Paul, Rhindhiya, and Tianna

Let’s hear what our children have to say! Listen to conversations with the leaders of tomorrow on how learning could be moving forward at Leaps of Knowledge: Episode T, as we reimagine the future of education with students’ needs at the heart of it.

Watch the teaser video below to get started!


Run Your Own Watch Party

This toolkit will help you host your own Watch Party to screen and watch Episode T with your friends and colleagues at your own convenience.

Here are some other toolkits you might also be interested in:

Episode A: Watch Party

Missed Leaps of Knowledge: Episode A? Don't worry! Now you too can organize a Watch Party with your friends and experience the event together.

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With limited time and resources as a parent or teacher, you can use Design Thinking to get creative with what you have!

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