What is it like when a class has students who are empowered? What should students be feeling, thinking and doing? In this toolkit, we are introducing strategies to create a classroom environment that supports the development of a growth mindset.

What is it like when a class has students who are empowered? What should students be feeling, thinking and doing? In this toolkit, we are introducing strategies to create a classroom environment that supports the development of a growth mindset.

Tools & Resources

Please find our complete guideline here


Support the Development of a Growth Mindset via a Culture of Error

When students focus on growth and improvement through the creation of a culture of error in the classroom, they will engage in learning with the belief that ability can be developed through hardwork and effort. This is where students are empowered and they can lead their own learning.


Create a Culture of Error in the Classroom

Culture of error is an environment where students feel safe making and discussing mistakes. When students are not afraid of making mistakes, they are less defensive and more open to learning.

  1. "Expect Error - Include what common errors students will be making in the lesson plan and communicate the expectation about making mistakes before or during the lesson Eg: “I suspect there will be some disagreement"""

  2. "Withhold the Answer - Allow other students to review opinions or answers before revealing the right answers so that students are focused on the explanation Eg: “What is your answer? Before I review the answer, I would like to hear how you got the answer”"

  3. "Praise Risk Taking - Provide structured feedback that includes the effort of students in trying even when they are not sure Eg: ""I am glad you made the mistake"""

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